Providing Healthy Super Organic Product

From reserved farms around the world

Providing Healthy Super Organic Product

From reserved farms around the world

Know about Rhizosphere..

Enriched Organic Manure

From reserved farms around the world

Benefits of Microorganism in Organic Farming

Organic manure can be applied to soil in several ways, including:
  1. Broadcasting: Organic manure can be spread evenly across the surface of the soil, allowing it to mix with the soil over time.
  2. Incorporation: Organic manure can be mixed directly into the soil using tools such as a cultivator or plow, which helps to accelerate the breakdown of the organic matter.
  3. Side-dressing: Organic manure can be applied in a band alongside the row of crops, which can be especially useful for crops with shallow root systems.
  4. Top-dressing: Organic manure can be spread on top of the soil surface around established plants, where it will gradually mix with the soil over time.
  5. Composting: Organic matter can be composted to produce a rich, nutrient-dense soil amendment that can be applied to the soil.
The method of application will depend on factors such as the type of crop being grown, the state of the soil, and the type of organic matter being used. In general, it is recommended to apply organic matter to the soil several weeks before planting to allow it time to mix with the soil and improve soil health.